A brief look at another path: Qualitative Analysis

Week 2 of ISM has brought even greater insights than that of last. As part of our second research assessment, I decided to take a fair look at the qualitative aspects of financial asset analysis as well. In order to do this, I included the paper 'Textual Analysis of Stock Market Prediction Using
Financial News Articles' by Robert Schumaker and Hsinchun Chen. The paper discussed the effect of news articles on stock market predictions. As intriguing as I found the qualitative aspect, the margin of error and misunderstanding is far greater than that provided by hard quantitative numbers. I believe both quantitative and qualitative methods are fundamental and coexist, but I decided to stick to the quantitative side as a majority of my study. That being said I would like to take a brief look into some of the underlying methods mentioned in the paper. Thus this week I was able to narrow down on my topic by deciding to keep my attention towards solely the quantitative side. In addition, we also started work on our resumes. This helped me take a more professional approach in looking at my past accomplishments. For the upcoming weeks, I plan to look further into efficient methods that are open to the public for price predictions.


The First Dip into Quantitative Analysis


Beginning the ISM Experience